Monday, April 12, 2021

Best Nephrology EHR Software In 2021

Nephrology EHR Software

Best Nephrology EHR Software

The Best Nephrology EHR Software can handle a complete range of kidney-related issues, including receiving and analyzing different lab tests and kidneys’ images. Nephrology EHR software is also well integrated with various devices and other software to carry out technical procedures, including ultrasounds, CT scans, and MRIs. Another significant advantage of nephrology EHR Software is its ability to integrate with the dialysis equipment and allowing advanced dialysis tracking.

Key Features of Nephrology EHR Software

Patient Management

The top EHR for nephrologists assists you with managing your patients by location and shift. This streamlines workflow and promotes healthcare facilities for patients. 

Organized Data

The main advantage of nephrology-specific EHR is that it provides organized data regarding dialysis rounds of your patients. Along with this, it timely notifies you when a patient changes or cancels their appointment. 

Clinical Notes

The best Nephrology EHR Software provides features and tools that streamline the documentation process. The advanced tools help you create notes with a single click.

Total Integration

Top Nephrology EHR Software is fully integrated with other devices and software such as dialysis equipment to streamline workflow. 

Top Nephrology EHR software in 2021

Praxis EHR Software

Praxis EHR software provides various features, including tracking extensive lab tests such as urinalysis and BUN, blood levels. Its diagnostic test and imaging features allow you to effortlessly record GFR’s, urine cultures, biopsies, and other results. Praxis also offers to integrate with previous lab results to give you a comprehensive analysis of your patient’s history along with providing a summary of kidney risk profiles.

Acumen EHR Software

Acumen EHR Software provides a patient portal for the patients to access and review their health records and communicate with you. They can schedule their appointments along with getting reminders for upcoming dialysis visits. You can also manage your appointments through Acumen. 

NephroChoice EHR Software

NephroChoice EHR Software adheres to your needs efficiently. It provides information regarding patients’ conditions depending upon their dialysis threshold, which helps you make timely decisions based on the treatment. NephroChoice improves workflow by helping you track patients’ dialysis rounds and providing timely reminders before the upcoming cycle.

PrognoCis EHR Software

PrognoCIS is a cloud-based EHR Software that provides a wide range of convenience to nephrologists. It streamlines communication with other labs and pharmacies for test results.

It also provides customizable templates and significant features like a patient portal where patients can schedule their appointments for dialysis or general consultation. 

Which Nephrology EHR Software to pick!

Picking the best Nephrology EHR is a very crucial task that we can simplify for you. First and foremost, you need to list down the features you want for your practice. Then you can also ask the vendor to provide you with a Nephrology EHR demo. Lastly, you can read reviews for the nephrology EHR you are planning to buy. This way, it will be easier for you to make a decision. 

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