Friday, October 29, 2021

Are You Making These Best Pediatrics EMR Mistakes?

pediatrics emr


The use of electronic medical records (EMRs) has been widespread in the past decade, as a result of a 2003 law that requires all hospitals to switch over. The technology is now showing up at nearly every hospital with 95% having some kind or form for documentation according to an annual study from January 2020.

EMRs are more complicated than ever, with 1,100 options for providers to choose from in 2017. The variety of systems has led some companies and hospitals struggling tremendously when it comes time to make their choice on which one will work best.

Each system is slightly different and requires that staff learn its rules before they can fully utilize it effectively- today we'll examine EMR pediatrics mistakes your employees might be making when using this new software while reviewing how these mistakes impact you financially as well.

Patient Misidentification

The error rate for patient identification in health care is staggering. A 2018 report from Pew Charitable Trusts found that EMR match rates within facilities are as low 80%, and this can result into missing vital records or medical information about your current treatments because it doesn't line up with what's on file at the time (even if both parties share use of an electronic health record). For exchanges between organizations using different systems, the accuracy falls even further to 47%.

Prescription Error

A recent study of 889 reported events found that nearly two-thirds (65.7%) took place during prescribing or transcribing, with more than a third involving the "high alert" medications like insulin and anticoagulants; another 16% involved antibiotics. There were also cases where EMR flags/warnings for interactions or contraindications went unnoticed by healthcare providers while entering prescriptions into their systems 

Billing Error

While billing errors sometimes happen by mistake, it’s just as common for staff to enter the wrong CPT or ICD-10 codes. Over time these mistakes add up and cost you a lot of money with unpaid reimbursements or wasted time chasing payments from insurers—especially if appeals have been exhausted without resolution.

Poor EMR Setup & Management

A poor EMR setup and management will likely affect all of your organization’s processes. The most common error on this list, it is easily the worst mistake one could make- for example an incorrectly entered prescription only affects that particular document while a poorly implemented system can have much wider ranging implications in terms both functionalities offered by care providers as well how they interact with patients themselves.

The best way to avoid errors and issues with your EMR pediatrics mistakes is by implementing it according to the needs of end-users. Too many organizations place this responsibility solely on IT, but healthcare professionals should also collaborate in order for a successful project that provides value as well as meets user requirements. The easiest way out may be investing into certifications for those clinical staff members who use their own.

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